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Print, web, motion design, filter this portfolio as you wish with the filters below.

Welcome to the portfolio of xidipix studio. Print projects, web projects, motion design (video), packaging or illustration. All these projects are filterable as you want by using the filters below.

Every project of this portfolio is detailed. You can click on an image to have a overview of the project. By clicking on “Learn more” You can see the details of the project. The web sites also have a direct link (link “see the website”).

Showreel 2018-2021
Superhero poster
illustration mon bijoutier d'ici
Romantic comedy poster
Mon Bijoutier d'ici logo et charte
Motion design gateway
motion design trailer asset 3
Displays CDF
motion design trailer gateway
Logo solidarity garden and shares
Posters spaces
Web site Griffin aero
Charter Or de France
Android and ios app
Macacos CD wallet
Posters RSF
Charter Histemia
Atrium Brochure
Posters Descartes
Paper Toys C
Portrait 23
Eat make you fly
Some logos


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teaser xidipix